This page is dedicated to the following for their part in making 'American King-V' an 'adventure'.
Scott Womac / Baton Rouge, LA for his support and patience with the American King-V transaction.

Charles (Fish) Ward / Baton Rouge, LA for his support and time with the transfer.

Michelle Reimert / Knoxville, TN for her support and tolerance with me and my outbursts.

Andrew F. Tucker / Dayton, TN Attorney at Law (423) 570-0506 for his support and time with the legalities.

Robert Lowry / Niota, TN 3-L Trucking, Inc. (423) 568-2240 or (423) 506-2999 for his support and time with the logistics.

Greig Massey / Knoxville, TN
for his patience and time with the web set up and design.

Thanks to all of the 'Nay Sayers' for saying NO.

Thanks to Boomer and Zippy for just being here. You can read their story at Google and type in the words Big Boomer, or copy and paste the following

And last but not least, Thank You to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.